Since I intend to use this blog as an electronic time capsule for my kids (I'm mostly kidding), I thought it would be fun to list some interesting facts about me before I forget them.
- At the tender age of 6, I had surgery to remove a hernia. The story about how I came to develop said hernia is
legendary in my family. Y
ou wouldn't believe me if I told you. It involved a bottle of "deadly" shampoo and me believing that my mother and grandmother were trying to murder me.
Seriously. I
t's hilariously sad and embarrassing. M
aybe one day I'll work up the courage to post it. And, no, they weren't really trying to kill me.
- I am a
huge johnny cash fan. So huge, in fact, that on my wedding day, I walked down the aisle (post ceremony) to Ring of Fire and cut the cake to Jackson. D
uring the latter song, my
semi drunk great aunt and her fraternal twin brother danced up quite a storm. My mom had to pull her off the dance floor. S
ee below...
(picture: google)
- I surf! Learned in Hawaii when I was 17. It's exhilarating and not to mention a great work out.
- When my husband and I are on road trips, we often have Australian accent competitions. This can last for
- I've been on 4-5 cruise ship vacations but was unable to enjoy the last two out of fear of a rogue wave slamming into the ship and sinking us,
Poseidon style. See item # 1 in this post for proof that I still have the thought processes of a six year old.
What about you? Any interesting quirks you care to share?
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